Islamic State Part 3 : The Launching Of The Call
People in Makkah were aware of this new call and of those who believed in it, but they never knew where they met nor who they were. That is why when the Messenger of Allah (saw) proclaimed his new belief, it did not come as a surprise. What surprised Makkah was the emergence of the new group of Muslims. The Muslims had gained a great deal of strength when Hamzah ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib embraced Islam, followed by ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab three days later. Then came the revelation of Allah (swt),
"Therefore expound openly what you are commanded and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah. For sufficient are We unto you against those who scoff. Those who adopt, with Allah another god: but soon will they come to know." [TMQ 15:94-96]
Allah’s Messenger (saw) duly obeyed Allah’s command and revealed his group to the whole of Makkah; he went out with his Companions in two lines, one led by ‘Umar the other and Hamzah. The Sahabah walked in an order that Quraysh had never witnessed before. He (saw) then circumambulated the Ka’bah with them.
This is the stage when Allah’s Messenger (saw) moved with his companions from the secret phase to the open one, from calling and addressing and inviting those whom he felt were ready to answer his call, to addressing all people. The da‘wah then took a new turn, the clash between Iman and Kufr in society began, the interaction between the right concepts and the rotten ones began, setting off therefore the second phase of the da‘wah, i.e. the phase of interaction and struggle.
The disbelievers began resisting and fighting the da‘wah, inflicting in the process all kinds of harm and injury on the Messenger of Allah (saw) and his companions. This phase was one of the most severe of all; the house of Allah’s Messenger (saw) was stoned and Umm Jamil, wife of Abu Lahab, used to throw impurities outside his home. He (saw) just ignored or removed them in turn. Abu Jahl once threw a ewe’s uterus, slaughtered as a sacrifice to the idols, at Allah’s Messenger (saw). He (saw) bore it all, he would go to his daughter Fatima to clean him and to restore his purity. This only strengthened Allah’s Messenger’s (saw) resolve and made him invite to Islam even harder. Muslims were threatened and hurt, every tribe took it upon itself to torture and persecute its Muslim tribesmen. One of those tribes left their slave Bilal to die on the burning sand with a heavy rock upon his chest simply because he insisted on Islam. Bilal defiantly uttered the words ‘Ahad! Ahad!’ (the One the One) and endured all the suffering for the sake of his Lord. One woman died after being subjected to torture, simply because she would not renounce her new belief and return to the faith of her forefathers.
The Muslims endured the suffering, the torture, the humiliation and deprivation with only one aim in mind, seeking to please Allah (swt).
Source: The Islamic State Book - Hizb ut-Tahrir
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