The Islamic State Part 12: The Raid On Khaybar
The Messenger of Allah (saw) remained in Madinah for fifteen nights after returning from al-
Hudaybiyah, then he ordered the Muslims to prepare for a raid on Khaybar provided that only
those who had been with him at al-Hudaybiyah took part.
Before marching to al-Hudaybiyah, news was received that the Jews of Khaybar were
conspiring with Quraysh to raid Madinah in an effort to exterminate the Muslims. This
conspiracy was supposed to be a secret. Aware of this Allah’s Messenger (saw) opted for a
peace plan with Quraysh in order to secure a truce with them so that he could concentrate his
efforts towards annihilating the Jews. As soon as he (saw) had concluded his peace treaty,
isolating in the process Khaybar from Quraysh, he turned to Khaybar and ordered the
Muslims to prepare the army just days after his return from al-Hudaybiyah. The Messenger of
Allah (saw) marched at the head of 1,600 Muslims accompanied by 100 riders and all were
assured of Allah’s support. They reached Khaybar after a march of three days with the people
of Khaybar suspecting nothing, although the Muslims spent the night just outside their forts.
In the morning, the workers of Khaybar came out with their spades and baskets and when
they saw the army of the Muslims they turned tail and fled crying, "Muhammad with his
force." The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Allah Akbar! Khaybar is destroyed. When we
arrive at a people’s area it is a bad morning for those who have been warned."
The Jews were expecting Allah’s Messenger (saw) to attack them, for when they heard about
the treaty of Hudaybiyah they considered it to be a climb down by their allies Quraysh. In
response to the new dangerous situation some of them suggested forming an alliance with the
Jews of Wadi al-Qura and Tayma’ in order to raid Madinah. They would then be without the
need to rely on the pockets of Arab tribes, especially now that Quraysh had signed a treaty
with the Messenger of Allah (saw). Others actually flirted with the idea of entering into a pact
with the Messenger of Allah (saw) in the hope that this would efface the Muslims’ hatred
towards them. They used to remind each other of this ever since they felt the danger nearing.
They were aware that the Messenger of Allah (saw) had divulged their conspiracy with
Quraysh and that he (saw) was about to raid them, but they were caught by surprise before
they could enact their plans and instead had to call on Ghatafan to help them. They attempted
to fortify their positions and resist the onslaught, but the Muslim army was swift in its assault
and their defensive lines crumbled. Eventually, they became desperate and sought peace with
the Messenger of Allah (saw) provided he spared their lives. The Messenger of Allah (saw)
agreed and he allowed them to remain in their homes. Since their land and their vineyards
became his under the law of conquest, he allowed them to work and live there provided they
gave him half of their crops and fruits annually. They agreed to his (saw) terms. Allah’s
Messenger (saw) then returned to Madinah and stayed there until he left for the ‘umrah of
By his abolishing of the political authority of Khaybar and by making them submit to the
authority of the Muslims, the Messenger of Allah (saw) neutralised the northern danger on the
way to al-Sham, as he had done likewise in the south after the Hudaybiyah treaty. This action
actually paved the way for the Message of Islam to be spread inside the Arabian Peninsula as
well as outside it.
24. Envoys To The Neighbouring Countries
Once the Messenger of Allah (saw) had found his mind at ease about the status of the
Message within the whole of Hijaz, he initiated his da‘wah of relentlessly spreading Islam
outside Hijaz, for Islam is a universal deen and he (saw) was sent to the whole of mankind.
Allah (swt) says in surah al-Anbiya’,
"And We have not sent you except as a mercy to mankind." [TMQ 21:107]
Allah (swt) also says in surah Saba’,
"And We have not sent you except as a bringer of good tidings and a warner unto all
mankind. " [TMQ 34:28]
Allah (swt) says in surah al-Taubah,
"It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the deen of Truth to prevail over all
the deens even though the pagans may detest (dislike)." [TMQ 9:33]
The Messenger of Allah (saw) initiated contact abroad once he had secured and strengthened
the State and the Islamic da‘wah at home. He (saw) began by sending envoys abroad. He
(saw) considered foreign policy to be concerned with any part of the Peninsula which was not
under his rule. Once the whole of Hijaz had fallen under his (saw)’s rule, foreign policy came
to be defined as the dealings with any country outside Hijaz such as the Persian and Roman
empires. Now that he (saw) had signed the treaty of Hudaybiyah and the authority of Khaybar
had been smashed, almost the whole of Hijaz came under his rule, for Quraysh no longer had
the force to stand in his way. The Messenger of Allah (saw) therefore sent his envoys abroad.
However, he (saw) did not do so until he had made sure that his authority at home was
impregnable and strong enough to support his foreign policy.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) told his companions one day after returning from Khaybar, "O
people! Verily Allah has sent me as a mercy to all mankind, so do not differ about me like the
Hawaryyun differed about Issa son of Maryam." The Companions asked, "And how did the
Hawaryyun differ O Messenger of Allah?" He (saw) said, "He invited them to what I invited
you, as for the one who was sent to a near place he accepted, while the one who was sent to a
far place he disliked and slowed down."
And he (saw) mentioned to them that he would send envoys to Heraclius, Chosroes, al-
Muqawqis, al-Harith al-Ghassani the king of al-Hirah, al-Harith al-Himyari the King of
Yemen and to al-Nagashi (Negus) the king of Abyssinia, inviting them to Islam. The
companions of Allah’s Messenger (saw) responded positively and they fashioned a silver ring
for him with the words Muhammad the Messenger of Allah engraved on it. He (saw) then
sent his envoys with the Messages he had written inviting these kings to Islam. His message
to Heraclius was assigned to Dahiah ibn Khaleefah al-Kalbi, the one to Chosroes was
assigned to ‘Abdullah ibn Hudhayfah al-Sahmi, that of Negus to ‘Umar ibn Umayyah al-
Damri, that of Muqawqis to Hatib ibn Abi Balta’a, that of the king of ‘Oman to ‘Amr Ibn al-
’As al-Sahmi, that of the king of al-Yamamah to Sulait ibn ‘Amr, that of the king of Bahrain
to al-’Ala’ ibn al-Hadhrami, that of al-Harith al-Ghassani, king of Tukhum al-Sham to Shuja’
ibn Wahab al-Asadi, and the message to al-Harith al-Himyari king of Yemen was assigned to
al-Muhajir ibn Umayyah al-Makhzumy. The envoys all set off simultaneously, each one to
where Allah’s Messenger (saw) had sent them. They delivered their messages and most of
those leaders whom Allah’s Messenger (saw) had addressed replied somewhat favourably,
some though replied negatively and rudely. As for the Arab rulers, the kings of Yemen and
‘Oman replied rudely; the king of Bahrain responded positively and embraced Islam; the king
of Yamamah replied that he was ready to embrace Islam if he were to be appointed ruler, so
Allah’s Messenger (saw) cursed him for that. As for the non-Arab rulers, Chosroes, the
Persian monarch, was enraged and tore up the message when it was read to him. He wrote to
Badhan, his governor in Yemen, asking him for the head of that man in Hijaz. When Allah’s
Messenger (saw) heard this he said, "May Allah tear up his kingdom." However, when the
message of Chosroes reached his governor Badhan in Yemen he inquired about Islam and
soon declared his acceptance of it. He remained Allah’s Messenger’s governor over Yemen,
although he was not actually al-Harith al-Himyari King of Yemen. As for al-Muqawqis, the
Leader of the Copts, he answered favourably and sent a present to the Messenger of Allah
(saw). Negus also answered favourably, and it was said that he embraced Islam. As for
Heraclius, he did not actually pay any attention to the message, neither did he contemplate
sending an army nor did he say anything. When al-Harith al-Ghassani sought permission to
head an army to punish this preacher (Muhammad (saw)), he did not reply to him, but
summoned him to al-Quds (Jerusalem).
As a result of these messages, the Arabs began entering the deen of Allah in crowds, their
congregations hurried to the Messenger of Allah (saw) proclaiming their Islam. For the non-
Arabs, Allah’s Messenger (saw) prepared a task force and declared jihad against them.
Source: The Islamic State - Hizb-ut-Tahrir
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